Upgrade your Library

Need more storage space for all your ebooks, digital comics, magazines & RPGs?

Libreture will always provide a FREE FOREVER plan with all features, and an useful amount of DRM-free ebook storage space. But for your larger collections, full of digital comics and magazines, you can upgrade your library to suit your needs.

Huge cloud library capacity increase!

As promised, I've increased the capacity on all upgrades. Read more about the capacity increase.

Storage Price per month
Upgrade your Library from your Account page.
5 GB 30 GB £2.99 / $3.90
20 GB 60 GB £5.99 / $7.90
50 GB 100 GB £10.99 / $14.50
Unlimited £15.99 / $21.00

US$ prices are approximate, and are based on the current exchange rate.


There's room for everyone and their book collection!

Keep an eye on your storage capacity from your library page. As you add more books, you may want to Upgrade. Or maybe decrease your storage if you're not using all the space you're paying for.

Adjust your storage whenever you like from your Account page.

Happy Reading!


Get in touch

Contact me or connect at BlueSky, Mastodon or Twitter.

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Readers are storing 16,903 DRM-free ebooks with Libreture.